Chamber Mega Mixer
As a Chamber member, you have the opportunity to grow your connections with networking events. This Mega Mixer, hosted by Arcadia at Limerick Pointe, as well as TriCounty Area Chamber, Perkiomen Valley Chamber, Phoenixville Regional Chamber, and Spring-Ford Chamber, is a great way to meet new business people in a casual setting!
There will be:
- Appetizers
- Drinks
- Tail Gate Grand Prize
- Building Relationships with people from other Chambers
- lots of fun.
Chamber Mega Mixer
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 6, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
This is your passport to meeting Members of other Chambers within the area. TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce is teaming up with area Chambers and the staff at Arcadia to offer this Mega Mixer.
Arcadia at Limerick Pointe is offering a Passport Challenge to attendees, where the winner will receive a tailgate basket, which includes 2 tickets to an Eagles game.
There is no fee to attend; however we do request you to register for our headcount. There is limited spaces open for this event, and we must close registration when we reach full capacity. We will have a waiting list in place in case of cancellations.
Contact Information
Alice Funk
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