Diamond Credit Union Relay for Life
Dear Owner or Manager,
I am writing this request on behalf of the Relay For Life team, “Diamond’s Hope.” Our team consists of employees from Diamond Credit Union who hold numerous events throughout the year to raise money for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life. One of these events is our “All in For Hope,” which will be held at BlackJax American Pub & Grill on Saturday, November 2, from 6pm to 11pm.
It is a fun night of casino games, music, great food, and dancing to raise money for this worthy cause. We are asking for your help to make our 17th annual event an even bigger success than last year.
Enclosed is a list of the sponsorship opportunities available for your business. We are also asking for donations for our silent auction. These items may include company products or gift cards that are displayed for everyone at the event to bid on. We greatly appreciate any donations or sponsorships that you are able to provide.
If you have any questions about these opportunities, I can be reached at (610) 326-5490 ext. 2078 or by email at bakerv@diamondcu.com
Diamond’s Hope Relay team has raised over one million dollars for Relay For Life, and events like this help us continue to support their mission. It is uncommon to not know someone or to not be personally impacted by cancer. Your support plays a pivotal role in allowing us to fight cancer, and support those in need.
Thank you for your support and consideration.
Thank you,
Victoria Baker
Date and Time
Saturday Nov 2, 2024
6:00 PM - 11:00 PM EDT