Membership Breakfast: Leadership TriCounty Lessons Learned
When: Thursday, June 6, 2024
Where: Spring Hollow Golf Club
Time: 8 AM - 9:30 AM
Why Attend: Listen and Learn Leadership Insights from our Leadership TriCounty Class of 2024.
The Class of 2024 Journey of Growth
Join us for breakfast, and to network with other TCACC Members.
Come hear from the Leadership TriCounty Class of 2024 about their experiences learning from local leaders, exploring the TriCounty Area, and expanding their engagement in local communities.
You’ll hear from cohort members as they share insights from their learning journey as well through working on Community Service Projects like, Creating Career Pathways for High School Students, Young Professional Workforce Development, and Board Leadership Development.
Bring a Non-Member Friend and get a certificate to come to your next breakfast free, plus be entered to win a $100 Cash Prize!
We are offering Members to invite non-member friends to join them at this breakfast. They may be signed up as your guest at the Member price.
Members that bring a guest will receive a certificate to come to another breakfast for FREE, plus for each non-member friend you bring to this event, you will be entered to win a $100 Cash Prize. When registering a friend, add them to your registration list, and include their company name and email. You may also call the Chamber office at 610.326.2900 for help with a friend's registration.
Registration is required!
Sponsorship Opportunities are available.
We're looking for sponsors for this event.
Breakfast Sponsor: $500 (3 opportunities per Breakfast available)
Sponsorship includes:
- 2 tickets to the event
- Podium time (3-minute message to attendees)
- Your company logo on the marketing of the event
- Display table
- Door prize donation (optional)
- Exclusive opportunity to give away items to attendees
- Listing in press release(s)
- Option to put message in post-event email to attendees
Sponsorship includes:
- 1 complimentary ticket
- Name & Logo with your materials at coffee station at the breakfast
- Acknowledged as Coffee Sponsor at event
Please contact Alice at the Chamber for more information at alice@tricountyareachamber.com or 610.326.2900.
The Chamber is a community. Events have a structured format, planned agenda, and possible guest speakers – please be respectful of speakers and their time as well as respectful to fellow attendees. Also, your registration constitutes permission to use photos, audio, and video recording taken of you at the event for promotional purposes in connection with the Chamber.

Date and Time
Thursday Jun 6, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
$35 per Member
$70 per Non-member
Registration is required!
(Cancellations: Any cancellations prior to 24 hours in advance of the program will be refunded or credited to your account. Cancellations within 24 hours of the event cannot be refunded nor credited.)
Contact Information
Alice Funk at 610-326-2900
Send Email