POTTSTOWN, PA – The public is invited to visit Pottsgrove Manor for their special event, the Annual Colonial Mayfair, to celebrate the arrival of warm, spring days! Annual Colonial Mayfair Saturday, May 7 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Take part is a celebration dance around the Maypole with it’s rainbow of ribbons to welcome the arrival of spring at Pottsgrove Manor! Enjoy family focused living history demonstrations, laugh out loud puppet shows and music, and take part in games all throughout the day. Local vendors and artisans will have their hand-made items for sale and the first floor of the 1752 home of the Potts family is open for tours. Explore the grounds to find recipes of the past being made in the kitchen hearth and outdoor bake oven, learn about the role of cider in Pennyslvania history from Mark Turdo of Pommel Cyder, and find friendly reenactors ready to share history with everyone. With entertainments and activities happening all day long, you won’t want to miss a moment of Mayfair! Suggested $2 donation per person, all ages welcome, this event is held rain or shine. For parking, follow signs to Pottstown Memorial Park at 75 W King Street, Pottstown PA 19464, and board the free shuttle to Pottsgrove Manor.
Saturday May 7, 2022
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Printed courtesy of www.tricountyareachamber.com – Contact the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
152 E. High Street, Pottstown, PA 19464 – (610) 326-2900 – alice@tricountyareachamber.com