Refresh Friday: Bridging the Multigenerational Gap
This is a rare time in history that we have 5 generations across the workforce. It's also a time when communication and behavioral misunderstandings are creating sub silos, driving conflict resolution requests to an all-time high, and putting EQ to the test.
Learning about the perspectives and drives of each generation and applying that understanding in the workplace can positively impact communication, collaboration, and productivity.
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 9, 2023
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Yes, this Refresh Friday session is being held on a Thursday.
Join us as Jenna Armato, Leadership TriCounty Director and Growth & Success Coach, explores each generation and explains how you can take steps toward creating a generational synergy.
This session will be at Montgomery County Community College as a part of the Leadership TriCounty Class. Come sit in on the class and see what it's like to be a cohort member of Leadership TriCounty!
We will be joining the Leadership TriCounty Class at Montgomery County Community College's North Hall in Room 202.
No fee to attend; however, we do ask that you please register so that we may plan for your attendance.
Contact Information
For more information contact Alice Funk at 610-326-2900 or use email at
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