TriCounty Thank You Tour 2024
What: TriCounty Thank You Tour
When: Thursday, January 18, 2024
Stop 1: Boyertown, 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Boyertown Community Library (upstairs Social Room)
Coffee and coffee cake from Brakeman's Cafe'
24 N. Reading Ave, Boyertown
Stop 2: Spring City, 12 Noon- 2 PM
Spring Hollow Golf Club
Come for a Taste of the Spring Hollow Grille
3350 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City
Stop 3: Pottstown, 4 PM - 6 PM
Pottstown Regional Public Library
Appetizers will be provided.
500 E. High St., Pottstown
Why Attend: The TriCounty Area Chamber is making its way through our area by stopping at 3 locations throughout the day to meet up with our Members. Stop in to pick up your 2024 Membership Packet, check out our many programs on display at the event, as well as meet & greet our staff and other local Members. PLUS, we're celebrating "Getting to Know Your Customers Day" at each location.
We'll have food and gifts at each location. Plus, all the latest news of upcoming events, programs and things happening with your Chamber.
Date and Time
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
TriCounty Area Chamber is touring its counties and making a stop near you!
Stop 1: Boyertown, 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Boyertown Community Library - coffee and coffee cake from Brakeman's Cafe'
24 N. Reading Ave, Boyertown
Stop 2: Spring City, 12 Noon- 2 PM
Spring Hollow Golf Club -come for a Taste of the Spring Hollow Grille
3350 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City
Stop 3: Pottstown, 4 PM - 6 PM
Pottstown Regional Public Library -
500 E. High St., Pottstown
Which stop will you be attending? Please let us know at alice@tricountyareachamber.com.
Although there is no fee to attend, we do ask for registration for our preparations.
Contact Information
Alice Funk at 610.326.2900
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