We'll Help Wednesday- Pop In & Ask
We'll Help Wednesday is a day, once a month, that Chamber staff are accessible to answer questions or discuss your needs as a business in the tri-county region. We're here to help, offer advice, or connect you with the resources to help you find the answers you need.
Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 7, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Ever wonder what your Member benefits truly are and how to get the most out of them?
Join us for the Kick Off of We'll Help Wednesdays. This first session will be access to TCACC President Eileen Dautrich and 2019 Volunteer of the Year, Former Chamber Ambassador, Inventor, Champion, Host of Chamber Chat, and current Member of the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Bill Vitiello. In his “spare” time, he is the Chairman for the Montgomery County Community College Alumni Association and the Director of Institutional Relationships and Marketing for the Victory Bank in Limerick.
So, between Eileen's many years with this organization and a volunteer who has done it, and still continues to do it all, take this opportunity to pick their brain, brainstorm, and learn what you need to be taking advantage of now to benefit your business.
TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce
Conference Room on Floor 2
Open for Chamber Members.
Although there is no fee to attend, we do ask for registration for our preparations.