Young Professionals: Rotary Garden Cleanup
This event is for young professionals ages 21 - 40.
TCACC Membership is not required for young professional events.
The TriCounty Young Professionals are joining the Pottstown Rotary Club for an evening of cleaning up their gardens at Riverfront Park.
Food and Refreshments will be provided after the cleanup by Rotary.
If you are a young professional that is interested in volunteering - please register or contact Hailey at hailey@tricountyareachamber.com to receive more information. There are limited spots to participate!

Date and Time
Wednesday May 14, 2025
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Meet at Rotary Pavilion in Riverfront Park
100 College Drive
Pottstown, PA 19464
Free and refreshments will be provided by Rotary
Contact Information
Hailey or Melissa, 610.326.2900
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