
Economic DevelopmentNonprofit Organizations

About Us

Empowering Individuals with Tools for Sustainable Growth

MADE was founded to bridge the gap in resources that help individuals improve their lives and unlock their full potential. Unlike organizations focused solely on financial assistance, MADE takes a proactive approach by providing the skills, tools, and education necessary for sustainable success in both personal and professional growth.

MADE’s mission is to empower underprivileged and undereducated men to reclaim their roles of leadership and service in their families, communities, and careers. Through our comprehensive program, we focus on:

Entrepreneurial and professional trade skills development
Financial literacy education
“Successful life” skills cultivation
By addressing these critical areas, MADE is dedicated to creating lasting change for those we serve, equipping them with the confidence, knowledge, and resources to transform their futures and make meaningful contributions to their families and society.

Join us in building stronger communities and fostering personal empowerment for sustainable growth.


  • Empowering Individuals
  • Proactive Approach:
  • Comprehensive Programs
  • Work Force Development
  • Mission-Driven