Pottstown Area Economic Development
Economic DevelopmentNonprofit Organizations
Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - 5 PM; Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM
About Us
Pottstown Area Economic Development, Inc. (PAED) is a 501c(3) non-profit corporation originally formed in 1965, as Pottstown Area Industrial Development, Inc. (PAID) to promote commercial and industrial development in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.
Over the decades, PAID’s activities included development and sale of the 32 lot industrial complex known as the Pottstown Airport Business Campus, as well as the acquisition and resale of downtown commercial and retail properties for redevelopment. In 2010, based on recommendations contained in a 2009 Urban Land Institute report, the Borough of Pottstown, Pottstown School District, and Montgomery County Redevelopment Authority formed a partnership to reorganize PAID (now PAED) for the purpose of coordinating efforts and establishing economic development priorities in Pottstown.